After London, in last February the international auction house is currently presenting one of the most beautiful white diamonds of more than 100 carats seen on the market for the past 25 years.
It weights exactly 100.20 carats and has been classified by experts as a category color “D” diamond which refers to its pure white color. Its clarity is internally flawless (no blemishes visible under high magnification and free of any imperfections).
This diamond will be displayed in Los Angeles, Hong Kong and Doha in Qatar.
Diamonds are defined according to four criteria: Color, Carat, Cut and Clarity.
Discovered 10 years ago, the diamond on display in Dubai is extremely rare and its emerald cut makes it suitable for a ring, a pendant or a bracelet setting.
Its value is estimated between 19 and 25 million dollars, needless to say that this treasure extracted from a De Beers mine in South Africa 10 years ago should reach sale records during its auction scheduled for April 21, 2015 in New York.
According to the vice-president of Sotheby’s, Franck Everett, ” it is the best of the best”.