
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


prehnite crystals from India


Named in honor of the Dutch collector and Colonel H. Van Prehn who discovered it. Most prehnites used as gems come from Australia.

square cut poudrettite


It owes its name to “Poudrette Quarry” in Mont Saint-Hilaire in Canada where it was discovered. The deep pink gem variety can be cut and was not discovered until 2001.

emerald cut pollucite from afghanistan


It was discovered in 1846 on the island of Elba, Italy, and named pollucite, from the Greek name Pollux (mythological figure, brother of Castor), since this mineral is often associated in nature with petalite, which was then called the “castorite”.

pear cabochon of blue pietersite from China


Discovered in 1962 by Pieters in Namibia, this breach consists of an hawk eye and a tiger’s eye (crocidolite). Subsequently, it was discovered in China a rock quite close in appearance to Pietersite, which would be a amphibole rich in torendrikite instead of crocidolite. This

moonstone from Sri Lanka cut in cabochon


The moonstone is composed of alkaline feldspar, mainly potassium in other words orthoclase, in its variety “adularia”. This is actually a microperthite resulting from a microscopic phase separation of platelets from a sodium feldspar, the albite, in the orthoclase during the cooling of the mixture

petalite emerald cut from Brazil


Its perfect cleavage that provides leaflets has earned it its name comingfrom the Greek “Petalon”. It may exhibit the speckle type phenomenon called “cat’s eye”.

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