Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …

Discovered in 1876, on mont Vesuvius in Italy, it honors the name of the mineralogist Sir Abraham Hume (1749-1838). Some clinohumite gemstone was first discovered in Tajikistan, than Pamir, and then later in Vietnam.

Known since antiquity as a “golden beryl”, its name derived from the Greek “khrusos” for gold. Two popular varieties are appreciated gems: the golden yellow variety and the red / green which is called alexandrite. Most chrysoberyls are golden – yellow to brown – green

Discovered in 1817, its name comes from the Greek “chondros” which means grain in connection with its well-formed crystals, isolated in the form of grains.

Its name comes from the locality where it was identified by Faber in 1852: the Patapsco mine in Carroll County, Maryland in the United States. It is part of the linnaeïtes, it forms a series with the violarite, the polydymite, the siegenite according to the