
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


“ De Beers Centenary “ diamond


This gem, the best known and most prestigious, is named after its hardness, “adamant” in Greek, which means unconquerable because there are no known naturally occurring minerals that are harder than it. Pure and white, it has an incomparable brilliance, and it sparkles in all

clinohumite of Tajikistan oval cut


Discovered in 1876, on mont Vesuvius in Italy, it honors the name of the mineralogist Sir Abraham Hume (1749-1838). Some clinohumite gemstone was first discovered in Tajikistan, than Pamir, and then later in Vietnam.

yellow chrysoberyl from Sri Lanka oval cut


Known since antiquity as a “golden beryl”, its name derived from the Greek “khrusos” for gold. Two popular varieties are appreciated gems: the golden yellow variety and the red / green which is called alexandrite. Most chrysoberyls are golden – yellow to brown – green

chondrodite of Pakistan baguette cut


Discovered in 1817, its name comes from the Greek “chondros” which means grain in connection with its well-formed crystals, isolated in the form of grains.

oval cut carrollite of Congo


Its name comes from the locality where it was identified by Faber in 1852: the Patapsco mine in Carroll County, Maryland in the United States. It is part of the linnaeïtes, it forms a series with the violarite, the polydymite, the siegenite according to the

gem brookite crystal from Pakistan


Discovered in 1825 by Levy, its name honors the English mineralogist Henry James Brooke (1771-1857). It is a crystalline form of titanium oxide, such as rutile and anatase.

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