
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


pear cabochon of blue pietersite from China


Discovered in 1962 by Pieters in Namibia, this breach consists of an hawk eye and a tiger’s eye (crocidolite). Subsequently, it was discovered in China a rock quite close in appearance to Pietersite, which would be a amphibole rich in torendrikite instead of crocidolite. This

sunstone form India


It consists of feldspar, mostly plagioclase and mainly oligoclase, some andesine and labradorite and has a characteristic appearance: there is a flicker of small metallic flakes inside an orange mass, this is why it was given the name of sunstone, or héliolite. This orange optical

pink pezzottaite from Madagascar oval cut


Discovered in 2002, it honors the name of the Italian mineralogist Federico Pezzotta, who discovered it in Madagascar.

emerald cut orthoclase form Madagascar


Described by Breithaupt in 1823, its name comes from the Greek Greek “orthos” meaning “straight fracture“, because it has the characteristic to cleave in two orthogonal planes. Named at the beginning orthoclase, orthose, its french name, was given lately by René Just Haüy. In its

opal from Australia


Its name comes from the Sanskrit “upala” which means precious stone, or the Greek “opallios” and Latin “opalos”. It is distinguished by iridescent reflections depending on the angle of vision, recalling the rainbow, who gave the term “opalescent”. Hydrated silica gel, it does not crystallize.

black obsidian from Ascension Island


Its name comes, according to Pliny, from Obsidius who brought it from Ethiopia, which would have led the Romans to call it “obsidius lapis”. From the seventeenth century we find the names of hyalopsite, mountain mahogany, Iceland black agate, mirror of the Incas, gallinaceous stone

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