
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


cushion cut sphalerite from Picos de Europa, Santander in Spain


Its name comes from the Greek “sphaleros” meaning traitor, deceitful, because in its black variety it looked like galena but did not release lead during fusion … and because of its brightness was also confused with the diamond. It is the major ore of zinc.

spessartine mandarine garnet oval cut


Its name comes from the cottage of Spessar sur- le -Main in Bavaria. The finest ones come from Africa, in Namibia, from a recently discovered deposit that produced the famous “tangerine”garnets, of a very bright color and a beautiful shine, and that seems exhausted. The

siderite round cut


Its name comes from the Greek “sideros” which means iron, it was called the iron spar. It was identified by von Haidinger in 1845.

rhodonite from Moro da Mina Lafaiete in Brazil pear cut


Its name comes from the Greek “rhodon” for “ rose “, as for rhodochrosite. dark pink color, light pink, with black dendritic inclusions of manganese oxide. Soluble in acids which discolor it, easily fuses with a torch. Varieties of colorful gems come from Australia and

purpurite from United States


Discovered in 1905, its name comes from the Latin “purpura” that matches its color, purple. Forms a series with the heterosite which is the iron pole while purpurite the Manganese pole.

square cut poudrettite


It owes its name to “Poudrette Quarry” in Mont Saint-Hilaire in Canada where it was discovered. The deep pink gem variety can be cut and was not discovered until 2001.

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