Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …

Mother-of-pearl or Nacre is the substance that constitutes the inner part of the shell of certain mollusks, its name comes from the Latin “ nacrum “, which was used to describe white matter with iridescent reflections. It consists of a mineral part of calcium carbonate

Identified by Werner in 1805 in the Austrian Alps, it was named after the Austrian Siegmund Zois, Baron von Edelstein (1747-1819). It is part of the epidote group. Its best-known variety is tanzanite which is not a mineral recognized by the International Mineralogical Commission for

Its name honors Maxime Villiaume, French soldier and explorer who made collections of minerals from Madagascar and Guinea. The villiaumite was found in its samples coming from Guinea (Rouma Island). For gemologists: watch this stone has an significant polarization abnormality, while being isotropic.