
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


chambersite fancy cut


New mineral discovered in 1957 in Texas, in Chambers County (Barber’s Hill salt dome), hence its name. The crystals were found in the brine returns from a gas drilling because it is a borate insoluble in water. Thereafter deposits were discovered in Louisiana, Canada, and

calcite from Russia emerald cut


It is known since antiquity, its name comes from the Greek “khalx” for lime. Identified and analyzed from the seventeenth century and then by Rene-Just Haüy to its easy cleavage. Called Iceland spar, the crystals exhibit the phenomenon of double images: a feature seen through

gem brookite crystal from Pakistan


Discovered in 1825 by Levy, its name honors the English mineralogist Henry James Brooke (1771-1857). It is a crystalline form of titanium oxide, such as rutile and anatase.

emerald cut anhydrite from Iran


Identified by Werner in 1804, its name comes from the Greek “anhydros” which means without water, as opposed to gypsum, which contains it. A blue variety that comes from Peru is called Angelite. Another variety from Italy (Costa Volpino in Lombardy) is called vulpinite.

oval cut anatase


Its name comes from the Greek “anastasis” which means stretched, elongated, as the form of its bipyramid crystals. It was discovered in France, in Bourg d’Oisans in Isere, by Schreiber in the late eighteenth century, but it is Haüy who attributed its name in 1801.

rough amber from The Baltic sea in Poland


It is a product of plant origin, the fossilized resin of some conifers (pine, redwood, cypress, cedar …) and some angiosperms (legumes, Umbelliferae, Liliaceae). The amber from the Dominican Republic was produced by a kind of tropical tree, now extinct, ancestor of the carob tree,

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