
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


orbicular diorite from Corsica

orbicular diorite

Successively described and analyzed by many specialists since 1851, its a mixture of feldspar, hornblende, biotite (black mica) and quartz. It is considered an intrusive rock with a texture similar to “granite”, the term “granite” designating a hard stone used in civil engineering. The matrix

yellow green diopside from Sri Lanka cushion cut


Its name comes from the Greek, “two” and “appearance” because of the double surface appearance of the prism when it is crystallized. Diopside is also “starred”, “shimmering” and the chromite variety, gemstone essentially coming from Russia, is emerald green. A deposit in Piedmont( Italy )

“ De Beers Centenary “ diamond


This gem, the best known and most prestigious, is named after its hardness, “adamant” in Greek, which means unconquerable because there are no known naturally occurring minerals that are harder than it. Pure and white, it has an incomparable brilliance, and it sparkles in all

descloizite rectangular cut


Its name honors the French mineralogist Alfred Des Cloizeaux (1817-1897), it was discovered in 1854 in the Sierra de Cordoba in Argentina. The best crystals are from Namibia. The mottramite is a vanadate of lead and copper.

rock crystal from Perou

rock crystal

The name quartz comes from a slavic word meaning “hard”. Rock crystal comes from the Greek “krystallos” meaning ice, because the ancients believed that it was “eternal ice”. It is a mineral, often regarded as a rock as it is widespread in various aspects and

rose carved in coral from Torre del Greco, Italy


For the geologist, the mineralogist and the gemologist, it is neither a mineral or a fossil, or even a rock. This is the central limestone axis around which small polyps have developed, they secrete it and shelter there. These are animals of the Coelenterata phylum

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