
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


phenacite from Burma cushion cut


Described by Nordenskiold in 1833, its name coming from the Greek recalls its deceptive nature, close to the quartz with which it is often confused. Relatively rare, it is usually associated with beryl and topaz,

petalite emerald cut from Brazil


Its perfect cleavage that provides leaflets has earned it its name comingfrom the Greek “Petalon”. It may exhibit the speckle type phenomenon called “cat’s eye”.

silver color pearl from Lombok in Indonesia


The “fine” pearls are mentioned in texts dating from 2300 BC. and the oldest necklace dates from the fifth century BC. They were the object of lust of Roman Emperors, Cleopatra, Chinese Emperors, the Maharajas in India. Pearls in Europe enjoyed a great vogue when

oval cut peridot from Burma


Formerly this mineral was called chrysolite, although the “chrysolitus” of Pliny was probably referred to topaz, a “yellow stone”, a “golden stone”. Also called ” stones of knights ” because it would be the crusaders who brought peridot from the east to europe where it

oval cut pargasite from Mogok in Burma


It is named after the town of Pargas in Finland,, where it was discovered in 1814. A green variety comes from Vietnam and Pakistan. The variety where iron replaces magnesium is called ferropargasite.

opal from Australia


Its name comes from the Sanskrit “upala” which means precious stone, or the Greek “opallios” and Latin “opalos”. It is distinguished by iridescent reflections depending on the angle of vision, recalling the rainbow, who gave the term “opalescent”. Hydrated silica gel, it does not crystallize.

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