
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


orange enstatite of Africa oval cut


Being difficult to melt, it was awarded the name of Greek word meaning “resistant” without really understanding why. The more it contains iron, more the color becomes dark and black. The more its iron content increases, more its density increases. The enstatite forms an isomorphous

oval cut dolomite from Brazil


Identified by de Saussure in 1792, its name honors the French mineralogist Dolomieu. Very common mineral, especially as gangue in the ore deposits. Not to be confused with dolostone which is a rock composed of dolomite.

yellow green diopside from Sri Lanka cushion cut


Its name comes from the Greek, “two” and “appearance” because of the double surface appearance of the prism when it is crystallized. Diopside is also “starred”, “shimmering” and the chromite variety, gemstone essentially coming from Russia, is emerald green. A deposit in Piedmont( Italy )

oval cut kyanite from Nepal


Its name recalls its dominant color : blue in Greek (cyan). Sometimes colorless, but generally blue to bluish green, this gemstone has a hardness ranging, with its texture in plans, from 4.5 (direction of elongation) at 6 to 7 (perpendicular to the elongation). It also

creedite purple crystals of Santa Eulalia, Mexico


Described in 1916 by Larsen and Wells, it owes its name to the town of Colorado (USA) where it has been identified: Creede quadrangle. It is a calcium sulfate and hydrated aluminum fluoride.

clinozoisite of Pakistan emerald cut


Discovered in 1896 it was named after its resemblance to the monoclinic crystals of zoisite. It is part of the epidote group.

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