
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


scapolite from Tanzania drop cut


It owes its name to its prismatic facies (from the Greek “skapos” rod and “lithos”, stone) and designates an isomorphic series going from sodic marialite to calcic meionite. The members of this series are the Wernerite, the Dipyre, the Meionite, the Marialite. The Wernerite, which

oval cut sapphirine from Sri lanka


It takes its name from its blue color, recalling the sapphire. It was discovered in Greenland in 1819 .

rutile as inclusions in quartz


Discovered by Werner in 1803 he was named after the Latin “rutilus” which means red. This is a titanium oxide as brookite and anatase, which crystallize in different crystal systems. The fibrous variety that forms tiny needles was called Sagenite.

pyroximangite fancy cut


It takes its name from its resemblance to the pyroxene and its manganese content. Rhodonite has the same composition as the pyroxmangite formed in conditions of higher pressure and temperature.

pyrope garnet from Africa oval cut


Its name comes from the Greek “pyros” for fire. Of variable color, the red one, more or less tinged with brown, being the most sought after. It was called “carbuncle” which means red like fire, and the expression “shining like carbuncles” was widely used by

purpurite from United States


Discovered in 1905, its name comes from the Latin “purpura” that matches its color, purple. Forms a series with the heterosite which is the iron pole while purpurite the Manganese pole.

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