
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


yellow - green sillimanite from Tanzania


Discovered in 1824, it honors the name of the American geologist Benjamin Silliman (1779-1864). It is also known for its blue or violet variety called fibrolite. It has been known since prehistoric times and it was used to manufacture cutting tools. There is also a

shungite from Russia cut in cabochon


This is a carbon compound, formed from plankton fossils dating back 2 billion years. It is composed of assemblies of carbon atoms (60 to 70) in the form of football ball, called fullerenes. Its name comes from the region where it is extracted, “shunga” in

African serpentine oval cut


Serpentine, or rather the serpentines, is a group of over 20 minerals quite difficult to differentiate the one from the other, the best known of whom are : antigorite, chrysotile and lizardite. These Phyllosilicates are weathering products of magnesium silicates. The Ophite, sometimes called “ophite

serandite from Quebec in Canada cabochon cut


found in 1931, it honors the african mineralogist J.M. Serand

scolecite cut in cabochon


Discovered in 1813, it is part of the family of zeolites. Its name comes from the Greek “skolec” meaning worm, maggot, which would refer to the behavior of a needle crystal on a torch flame…

oval cut scheelite from China


It is named after the Swedish chemist Karl W. Scheel (1742-1786) who discovered the tungstic acid. Tungsten is the current name of the chemical that was the metal component of wolframite, scheelite is still called a wolframate or tungstate …

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