Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …

Its name honors the Finnish mineralogist Väyrynen who identified it in Finland but the pink samples and gems come from the Paproke mine in Afghanistan.

This is a thick microcrystalline rock the of amphibole family, we can consider nephrite as a microcrystalline variety of ferrous actinolite-tremolite series. The majority of nephrites are composed mainly of actinolite. The white variety, known as” mutton fat “, is composed almost exclusively of tremolite,

Its name comes from the term jade. It is the nineteenth century, in 1863, that jadeite was differentiated from nephritis. This is a pyroxene resulting from metamorphism of serpentines high in sodium. Before the nineteenth century both jadeite and nephrite were called with the generic

Its name, coming from Latin, was given by Werner and it means bright because the surfaces of its divisions are very bright. Amongst the pyroxenes, augite is a ferromagnesian silicate low in calcium. The fassaite variety is low in iron, the jeffersonite variety is rich

Identified by Werner in 1805 in the Austrian Alps, it was named after the Austrian Siegmund Zois, Baron von Edelstein (1747-1819). It is part of the epidote group. Its best-known variety is tanzanite which is not a mineral recognized by the International Mineralogical Commission for