
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


nodule of malachite from Zaire


Described by Pliny in 77 AD., its name recalls and its fault, poor hardness “malakos” which means soft in Greek, as well as its green color “malake”, which means purple green in Greek. The Egyptians, the Greeks the Romans used it since ancient times. It

jet ( ignite ) Zuni fetish from United States


This is an organic material, a black variety of lignite containing 70% of carbon, resulting from the coalification of wood under anaerobic conditions (without oxygen) and under strong pressure, it is a fossil gem. Its name comes from old French “jayet” or “jaiet” or the

heterosite of La Vilatte in Chanteloube in France


Its name comes from the Greek “hetero”, other, because on the same deposit it was the second mineral containing manganese to be discovered. It forms a group with purpurite, the iron pole of the phosphate is the heterosite and purpurite the manganiferous pole.

blue hemimorphite cabochon from D.R.Congo


Its name comes from the Greek “hemi,” half and “morpho” to form, due to the different shape of the tip of its doubly terminated crystals. It was identified by Kenngott in 1853. There is a “matrix” form blue and banded. As Tourmaline it presents the

gilaite in quartz cushion cut


Discovered in 1980 at Christmas Mine in Arizona United States, it is best known as blue-green inclusion in Brazilian quartz.

meershaum pipe from Turkey


This is a silicate in the form of tiny crystals assembled in concretions in highly porous aggregates. This porosity allows it to float, it hardens as it dries. Its name, sepiolite, it has been awarded by the German mineralogist E. F. Glocker, that determined the

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