
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


polished slice of goodletite from New Zeland


This is a metamorphic rock composed of pink corundum (sapphire ruby almost) of margarite, of fuchsite with chromite and green tourmaline, its name honors William Goodlet. It is only found in southern New Zealand(Hokitika, Rimu). The name Goodletite refers only to this stone from New

eosphorite cut in facets


Its name comes from the Greek, defining the pink color at the arrival of dawn. Its chemical formula is very close to the childrenite, which is yellow-brown because iron dominates, while for éosphorite it is manganese which dominates and gives the pink color.

emerald from Muzo in Colombia emerald cut


This is the green variety of beryl, the more valuable because of its unparalleled color, its name comes from the Greek “smaragdos” derived from an ancient Semitic word meaning “shining”. This is one of the gems most sought after, when the green the more sustained

descloizite rectangular cut


Its name honors the French mineralogist Alfred Des Cloizeaux (1817-1897), it was discovered in 1854 in the Sierra de Cordoba in Argentina. The best crystals are from Namibia. The mottramite is a vanadate of lead and copper.

yellow datolite from Russia oval cut


Its name comes from Greek by illustrating its ability to “split” into pieces when massive datolite aggregates are broken. A rock rarely found in a gem form, it is often associated with zeolites in basalt cavities.

crocoite crystals from Tasmania Australia


It is named after the “crocus” as the color of its powder is saffron (which comes from this plant). It was discovered in 1766 in Berezov in the Urals (Russia). It was then called “Siberian red lead”, then it was named crocoïse by Beudant and

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