
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


African golden nugget


Gold is the mineral that has been known and most sought since prehistoric times, its name comes from the Latin “aurum”. Its warm color, its softness made it the preferred metal for jewelry because it is malleable and ductile. Furthermore it is found in nature

marcassite in quartz cut in cabochon


Identified in 1845 by von Raidinger, it was found being different from pyrite by René-Just Haüy in the early nineteenth century. Its name comes from either the Arabic or Moorish to signify that it has a metallic color yellow. This is an iron sulphide containing

emerald cut magnetite from Congo


Known since antiquity, Pliny the Elder mentioned it in the year 77, it was identified in 1845 by von Haidinger. It is named after the Greek “magnes”, which means magnet, it is found on Mount Magnetos in Greece. It is a naturally magnetic iron oxide

Ilmenite emerald cut


It is named after the Ilmen Mountains in Russia, where it was discovered in 1827.

faceted hematite


It is also called blood or blood stone and his name probably comes from the fact that it turns blood red the cooling water when it is cut (from the Greek “haimatos” for blood). Note however a false-English friend: “bloodstone”, this English name is referred

goethite and lepidocrocite inclusions in quartz from Brazil cushion cut


It is known and used since prehistory, prehistoric people used it as a pigment for paint in the caves, such as at Lascaux. It was identified in 1806 by the mineralogist Johann Georg Lenz (1748-1832) and its name honors the German writer Goethe. This is

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