
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


cabochon of carnelian mounted as breastpin


Chalcedony: This is a term including microcristallines and cryptocrystalline varieties of quartz, which come from the Greek name of the famous city of Carthage “Karkêdon”. Extracted in Egypt and Syria, it has been used since ancient times for intaglios and cameos, an active trade with

petrified wood from France

petrified wood

This is a fossilized wood dating back 200 million years, all parts of a trunk or branches have been silicified, that is to say that the organic components have been gradually replaced by silica in the form of jasper, chalcedony, or more rarely opal, there

yellow baryte from Italia


Identified by Karsten in 1800, its name comes from the Greek meaning “heavy”. It is also called “heavy spar”. It presents a particular phenomenon : the Thermoluminescence, after being heated, it emits visible light.

baddeleyite of Sri Lanka trillion cut


Its name honors Joseph Baddeley, who identified it in 1892 in some samples coming from Sri Lanka. This is the basic material used to manufacture synthetic zirconium oxide by the method of autocreuset to 2750 ° C.

polished astrophyllite from Russia


Discovered in 1854, its name comes from the Greek “astron” – star- and “phyllon” – leaf- illustrating the shape of its starry groups of acicular crystals. In gemology, it is known as inclusions in quartz crystals and can be confused with rutile.

yellow aragonite of Czech Republic cushion cut


Its name comes from the Spanish region of Aragon, Castille. Identified by Werner in 1797 is a calcium carbonate, like calcite, but crystallizes in another crystal system.

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