Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …

Its name comes from the Greek “sphaira” for sphere and from its composition with cobalt, which gives it its color, this is a rare stone. It’a a Cobalt Carbonate that is often wrongly called “cobaltoan calcite” Cobaltoan calcite chemically is a pink calcite owed to

Its name comes from the Greek “sphaleros” meaning traitor, deceitful, because in its black variety it looked like galena but did not release lead during fusion … and because of its brightness was also confused with the diamond. It is the major ore of zinc.

Its name comes from the cottage of Spessar sur- le -Main in Bavaria. The finest ones come from Africa, in Namibia, from a recently discovered deposit that produced the famous “tangerine”garnets, of a very bright color and a beautiful shine, and that seems exhausted. The

This is a feldspathoid, his name refers to its high sodium content. Its purplish-blue color is often streaked with white feldspar veinlets. The Hackmanite is a pink-purple variety discovered in Quebec, Canada. In its formula sulfur has been replaced by chlorine, and has an amazing