
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


pink kunzite from Patroke in Afghanistan trillion cut


It is a variety of spodumene, which is named after the American mineralogist and gemologist G. E. Kunz who analyzed it first, in 1902. The kunzite has a unique color due to manganese : pink purple more or less intense depending on the crystal orientation

kammererite fancy cut


It was identified in 1841 by the Finnish mineralogist Nordenskiöld. Its name honors the Russian mining engineer Kammerer from St. Petersburg. The kammérérite, of a beautiful fuchsia pink, is a chromian variety of clinochlore whose name comes the Greek “klino”, for its oblique axis tilted

imperial jade from Burma cut in cabochon


In the nineteenth century, it was shown that the so-called “jade” actually consisted of two distinct minerals: The “Jadeite”, of the pyroxene family, is the hardest and most rare, it has a crystalline sound, its color varies from white to dark green, even lavender. The

structure of an elephant tusk


Its name comes from the Latin ebur”, “eboris” which is an animal substance known since prehistoric times : the famous lady Brassempouy of the Saint-Germain-en-Laye Museum is famous worldwide, ivory has been used in antiquity, the middle ages, the renaissance period to the “art Deco”

inderite crystal from Turkey


It owes its name to Lake Inder in Kazakhstan where it was discovered in 1937.

Ilmenite emerald cut


It is named after the Ilmen Mountains in Russia, where it was discovered in 1827.

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