Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …

Close to amblygonite, ows its name to Montebras in France, in the Creuse. The majority of gems called “amblygonite” are chemically closer to the “ montebrasite “.

Discovered in 1852, its name comes from the Greek, “which resembles to honey” in connection with its honey-yellow color.

Identified in 1845 by von Raidinger, it was found being different from pyrite by René-Just Haüy in the early nineteenth century. Its name comes from either the Arabic or Moorish to signify that it has a metallic color yellow. This is an iron sulphide containing