
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


rhodonite from Moro da Mina Lafaiete in Brazil pear cut


Its name comes from the Greek “rhodon” for “ rose “, as for rhodochrosite. dark pink color, light pink, with black dendritic inclusions of manganese oxide. Soluble in acids which discolor it, easily fuses with a torch. Varieties of colorful gems come from Australia and

pyroximangite fancy cut


It takes its name from its resemblance to the pyroxene and its manganese content. Rhodonite has the same composition as the pyroxmangite formed in conditions of higher pressure and temperature.

pyrophyllite crystals of Georgia in the U.S.


Uncommon mineral, present in hydrothermal veins. Its name comes from the Greek “pyros” for fire and “phyllos” as sheet, because with the heat this mineral is exfoliating, and swells in superposed sheets.

sunstone form India


It consists of feldspar, mostly plagioclase and mainly oligoclase, some andesine and labradorite and has a characteristic appearance: there is a flicker of small metallic flakes inside an orange mass, this is why it was given the name of sunstone, or héliolite. This orange optical

cabochon of larimar from Dominican Republic


The blue and white larimar is the only variety of this stone sought. Known since the early twentieth century, the blue variety of volcanic origin was rediscovered in 1974 in the Dominican Republic. Its name was assigned by its discoverer Miguel Mendez: Lari (the beginning

olgoclase from Brasil oval cut


From the family of plagioclase, its name comes from the Greek “oligo”, a little bit, and “klassos” break, because it is a feldspar whose cleavage is more difficult than for others. It is part of the albite-anorthite series. It was identified by Breithaupt in 1826.

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