
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


ekanite round cut


Identified Only in 1955 by Ekanayake, this is one of the few carved stones that is naturally radioactive. This feature makes it sought as a rare stone by collectors, transparent stones are even rarer. In addition, the radioactivity alters its crystalline structure over time.

oval cut kyanite from Nepal


Its name recalls its dominant color : blue in Greek (cyan). Sometimes colorless, but generally blue to bluish green, this gemstone has a hardness ranging, with its texture in plans, from 4.5 (direction of elongation) at 6 to 7 (perpendicular to the elongation). It also

chalcopyrite cut in cabochon


Its name comes from the Greek “chalcos”, which means copper and pyrite: this is a copper pyrites. It was identified in 1725 by Henckel. Chalcopyrite may contain gold in small quantities, it is then exploited for this precious metal.

round cut cassiterite from Bolivia


Its name comes from the Greek “kassiterôs”, tin, or the name of the islands “Cassiterides” that produced this tin ore in antiquity, very likely islands very close to present-day Spain that would have given their name to this tin mineral, cassiterite. It is the principal

blue carletonite of Mont St-Hilaire in Canada


Discovered at Mont Saint-Hilaire in Canada by a team of the Carlton University in Ottawa, it was named after it.

square cut apophyllite of India


It was identified in 1806 by René Just Haüy, its name comes from the Greek “apophylliso” which means “exfoliates”, “that flakes “ … to heat, friction, acid. There are several varieties according to their chemical composition: rich in sodium, it is the natroapophyllite; rich in

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