
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


prehnite crystals from India


Named in honor of the Dutch collector and Colonel H. Van Prehn who discovered it. Most prehnites used as gems come from Australia.

silver color pearl from Lombok in Indonesia


The “fine” pearls are mentioned in texts dating from 2300 BC. and the oldest necklace dates from the fifth century BC. They were the object of lust of Roman Emperors, Cleopatra, Chinese Emperors, the Maharajas in India. Pearls in Europe enjoyed a great vogue when

oval cut peridot from Burma


Formerly this mineral was called chrysolite, although the “chrysolitus” of Pliny was probably referred to topaz, a “yellow stone”, a “golden stone”. Also called ” stones of knights ” because it would be the crusaders who brought peridot from the east to europe where it

palygorskyte from Bois Noir in the Loire in France


Identified in 1862, its name comes from that of a deposit in the Urals in Russia. Sometimes called “angel skin opal” because of its resemblance, but it’s not an opal.

emerald cut natrolite from Russia


This is a zeolite, its name comes from the Latin “natron” which means sodium, it has been identified by Klaproth in 1803. Mooraboolite is a variety rich in potassium. Galactite a variety rich in calcium.

marcassite in quartz cut in cabochon


Identified in 1845 by von Raidinger, it was found being different from pyrite by René-Just Haüy in the early nineteenth century. Its name comes from either the Arabic or Moorish to signify that it has a metallic color yellow. This is an iron sulphide containing

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