Discovered in 1865, its name honors the German mineralogist Theodor Richter (1824-1898).
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …
Discovered in 1865, its name honors the German mineralogist Theodor Richter (1824-1898).
Rare mineral found in the Carriere de la fleche, at Bertrix in the Ardennes, Belgium. We must speak of “pumpellyites” because there are some in which magnesium dominates, in others it is aluminum and yet in others it is iron, as shown here for this
The moonstone is composed of alkaline feldspar, mainly potassium in other words orthoclase, in its variety “adularia”. This is actually a microperthite resulting from a microscopic phase separation of platelets from a sodium feldspar, the albite, in the orthoclase during the cooling of the mixture
Its name recalls that it is a phosphate, and its cleavage causes leaves: it comes from the Greek “Phillon” meaning leaf. It’s a stone sought after for its beautiful bluish green color.