
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


dioptase from Zaire cut in cabochon


It has long been confused with emerald with whom shares the same color, but it was identified in 1801 as a specific species by René Just Haüy. Its name comes from the Greek, recalls that its cleavage planes are visible through the crystal, which was

yellow green diopside from Sri Lanka cushion cut


Its name comes from the Greek, “two” and “appearance” because of the double surface appearance of the prism when it is crystallized. Diopside is also “starred”, “shimmering” and the chromite variety, gemstone essentially coming from Russia, is emerald green. A deposit in Piedmont( Italy )

yellow bytownite from Mexico, oval cut


It is the town of Bytown near Ottawa that gave it its name. It is part of the plagioclase family,close to the anorthite pole.

fancy cut boracite


It takes its name from its boron content, it was discovered in Germany in Lower Saxony in 1789.

trillion cut amazonite from Vietnam


This is a perthite, variety of feldspar, so called because discovered in the Amazon, but not near the Amazon River. It is part of the family of microclines. The name microcline comes from the Greek “small slope” has been given by Breithaupt in 1830 in

green alexandrite from Sri Lanka under natural light


It is the rariest chrysoberyl variety, named after the future Czar Alexander II because it was discovered in the Ural in 1830, on the day he came of age and because of its 2 colors : green and red were the colors of old Imperialist

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