
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


cabochon of African unakite


This is an altered granite composed of pink feldspar, green epidote and colorless or brown quartz. When unakite is not too altered is a beautiful stone combining pistachio green epidote with salmon pink feldspar. It owes its name to Unaka Range located between Tennessee and

rubellite variety of tourmaline from Brazil


Its name comes from Sri Lanka, Ceylon, where it was called “tourmali” or “torra molli”, stone attracting ashes, it is considered as a colored zircon. It was not until 1703 that the Dutch brought it to Europe. It was identified by Buffon in 1759. It

crystallized talc from Luzenac in Arriege in France


Its name comes from Arabic or Persian “Talq” which means pure, probably because of its powder. It has been known since antiquity. The light green soapstone (steatite) has been confused with jade, but it has not its hardness. This is number 1 in the standard

African serpentine oval cut


Serpentine, or rather the serpentines, is a group of over 20 minerals quite difficult to differentiate the one from the other, the best known of whom are : antigorite, chrysotile and lizardite. These Phyllosilicates are weathering products of magnesium silicates. The Ophite, sometimes called “ophite

schlossmacherite cut in cabochon


Discovered in 1980, its name honors the German gemologist Karl Schlossmacher.

pumpellyite from Lake Superior in Michigan in the U.S.


Rare mineral found in the Carriere de la fleche, at Bertrix in the Ardennes, Belgium. We must speak of “pumpellyites” because there are some in which magnesium dominates, in others it is aluminum and yet in others it is iron, as shown here for this

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