
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


hodgkinsonite fancy cut


Discovered in 1913, its name honors H.H.Hodgkinson of the Franklin Mine in New Jersey, United States, where it was discovered.

descloizite rectangular cut


Its name honors the French mineralogist Alfred Des Cloizeaux (1817-1897), it was discovered in 1854 in the Sierra de Cordoba in Argentina. The best crystals are from Namibia. The mottramite is a vanadate of lead and copper.

red cuprite from Namibia oval cut


Its name comes from the Latin “Cuprum” which means copper, it was discovered by von Haidinger in 1845. The chaloctrichite is a form that looks like thin hair hence the name derived from Greek (copper hair). There are massive varieties mixed with chrysocolla and tenorite

crocoite crystals from Tasmania Australia


It is named after the “crocus” as the color of its powder is saffron (which comes from this plant). It was discovered in 1766 in Berezov in the Urals (Russia). It was then called “Siberian red lead”, then it was named crocoïse by Beudant and

rose carved in coral from Torre del Greco, Italy


For the geologist, the mineralogist and the gemologist, it is neither a mineral or a fossil, or even a rock. This is the central limestone axis around which small polyps have developed, they secrete it and shelter there. These are animals of the Coelenterata phylum

cinnabar crystals from China


Its name comes from the Persian “zinjifrah” or Latin “cinnabaris” … It is known since antiquity, it was described by Theophrastus in 315 BC. It was used as a red pigment. This is the main ore of mercury, all the mercury compounds are highly toxic.

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