
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


pyrolusite crystals from Germany


Identified and named in 1827, its name comes from the Greek words meaning “fire” and “who washes”, as it was used to remove from glass its green and brown color due to iron. This is the main element of “dendrites ” black seepage into the

cut onyx


The onyx are varieties of chalcedony. Mineralogists describe them as varieties of agate. The name comes from a Greek word meaning “nail” because of the color of the loose nail. The gemologists and gem cutters talk about completely black gems or in banded layers of

black obsidian from Ascension Island


Its name comes, according to Pliny, from Obsidius who brought it from Ethiopia, which would have led the Romans to call it “obsidius lapis”. From the seventeenth century we find the names of hyalopsite, mountain mahogany, Iceland black agate, mirror of the Incas, gallinaceous stone

neptunite emerald cut


Discovered by the mineralogist Flink in 1893, it was named Neptune, the God of the Sea for the Romans, as it was discovered on the same site, in association with aegirine, the scandinavian name of the God of the sea

jet ( ignite ) Zuni fetish from United States


This is an organic material, a black variety of lignite containing 70% of carbon, resulting from the coalification of wood under anaerobic conditions (without oxygen) and under strong pressure, it is a fossil gem. Its name comes from old French “jayet” or “jaiet” or the

hibonite crystal from Madagascar


Identified in Madagascar in 1956, its name honors the French geologist Paul Hibon who discovered it.

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