
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


pear cut benitoite from United States


It was discovered in the early twentieth century by the San Benito river in San Benito County, California. Its color is very close to that of sapphire but its strong dichroism can easily distinguish it from sapphire, and even other blue stones.

azurite from Morocco oval cut


Discovered in 1824 by Beudant Chessy-les-Mines in France, azurite takes its name from its azure blue. It has been known since antiquity, it is a copper carbonate, which effervesces with acids. It is often associated with malachite, green, in copper deposits, as azurite turns into

aquamarine from Brazil emerald cut


Its name comes from the latin “aqua marina”, meaning “water of the sea”, because of its seawater color, the dark blue is the most desidered color…like the ocean! Belongs to the beryl group, same as Emerald which is a deep green beryl. Aquamarines have been

afghanite from Afghanistan oval cut


Named after the country where it has been discovered, Afghanistan. Often confused with lapis lazuli (lazurite), lazulite or sodalite.

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