
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


oval cut anatase


Its name comes from the Greek “anastasis” which means stretched, elongated, as the form of its bipyramid crystals. It was discovered in France, in Bourg d’Oisans in Isere, by Schreiber in the late eighteenth century, but it is Haüy who attributed its name in 1801.

pearly ammonite from Madagascar


Dating back 70 million years, the fossilized remains of ammonites have been known for a long time by Native Americans who used them as an amulet for hunting and for healing. It is recognized as a gem since 1981 and its atypical iridescent appearance promotes

amblygonite from Brazil oval cut


The German mineralogist Breithaupt described and identified it in 1817. Its name comes from the angle formed at its cleavage, in Greek “Amblus” meaning “obtuse” and “Gonia” which means “angle”, as opposed to scapolite with which it was often confused. It forms a continuous series

trillion cut amazonite from Vietnam


This is a perthite, variety of feldspar, so called because discovered in the Amazon, but not near the Amazon River. It is part of the family of microclines. The name microcline comes from the Greek “small slope” has been given by Breithaupt in 1830 in

oval cut albite


Found in 1815, it name comes from the Latin “albus”, white. It is the sodium end member of the albite-anorthite series of the plagioclase group. It is a very common and widespread mineral. The peristerite shows phenomenon of adularescence same as moonstone.

afghanite from Afghanistan oval cut


Named after the country where it has been discovered, Afghanistan. Often confused with lapis lazuli (lazurite), lazulite or sodalite.

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