
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


round cut cassiterite from Bolivia


Its name comes from the Greek “kassiterôs”, tin, or the name of the islands “Cassiterides” that produced this tin ore in antiquity, very likely islands very close to present-day Spain that would have given their name to this tin mineral, cassiterite. It is the principal

gem brookite crystal from Pakistan


Discovered in 1825 by Levy, its name honors the English mineralogist Henry James Brooke (1771-1857). It is a crystalline form of titanium oxide, such as rutile and anatase.

heliodore crystal of Madagascar


In the family of beryls, the emerald is deep green (see emerald), the blue is aquamarine (see aquamarine). But there are other varieties with names related to their specific colors. The heliodor: its name comes from two Greek words, resulting in “gift of the sun”,

pear cut benitoite from United States


It was discovered in the early twentieth century by the San Benito river in San Benito County, California. Its color is very close to that of sapphire but its strong dichroism can easily distinguish it from sapphire, and even other blue stones.

bastnaesite from Zagi in Pakistan


It takes its name from the mine Bastnas Riddarhyttan in Vastmanland in Sweden where it was discovered. There are three varieties of bastnaesite based on the predominant “rare earth element” (rare metallic chemical elements) in it. Here lanthanum is the dominating but also cerium can

azurite from Morocco oval cut


Discovered in 1824 by Beudant Chessy-les-Mines in France, azurite takes its name from its azure blue. It has been known since antiquity, it is a copper carbonate, which effervesces with acids. It is often associated with malachite, green, in copper deposits, as azurite turns into

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