
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


rutile as inclusions in quartz


Discovered by Werner in 1803 he was named after the Latin “rutilus” which means red. This is a titanium oxide as brookite and anatase, which crystallize in different crystal systems. The fibrous variety that forms tiny needles was called Sagenite.

rubies from Sri lanka oval cut


Its name comes from the Latin “rubeus” or “ruber” meaning red. Ruby is the name of the true red variety of a mineral, Corundum, which itself can be of all the other colors under the name of sapphire, except for the red which is reserved

emerald cut rhodocrosite from Colorado, United States


The gem variety, which is only marketed since 1950, yet named dialogite or “Inca Rose”, saw its name derived from the Greek “rhodon” for rose. In fact, the term dialogite was reserved to rhombohedral crystals. It is of a pinkish red to yellowish color, with

pyrope garnet from Africa oval cut


Its name comes from the Greek “pyros” for fire. Of variable color, the red one, more or less tinged with brown, being the most sought after. It was called “carbuncle” which means red like fire, and the expression “shining like carbuncles” was widely used by

opal from Australia


Its name comes from the Sanskrit “upala” which means precious stone, or the Greek “opallios” and Latin “opalos”. It is distinguished by iridescent reflections depending on the angle of vision, recalling the rainbow, who gave the term “opalescent”. Hydrated silica gel, it does not crystallize.

cut onyx


The onyx are varieties of chalcedony. Mineralogists describe them as varieties of agate. The name comes from a Greek word meaning “nail” because of the color of the loose nail. The gemologists and gem cutters talk about completely black gems or in banded layers of

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