
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


sunstone form India


It consists of feldspar, mostly plagioclase and mainly oligoclase, some andesine and labradorite and has a characteristic appearance: there is a flicker of small metallic flakes inside an orange mass, this is why it was given the name of sunstone, or héliolite. This orange optical

oval cut peridot from Burma


Formerly this mineral was called chrysolite, although the “chrysolitus” of Pliny was probably referred to topaz, a “yellow stone”, a “golden stone”. Also called ” stones of knights ” because it would be the crusaders who brought peridot from the east to europe where it

cut onyx


The onyx are varieties of chalcedony. Mineralogists describe them as varieties of agate. The name comes from a Greek word meaning “nail” because of the color of the loose nail. The gemologists and gem cutters talk about completely black gems or in banded layers of

marcassite in quartz cut in cabochon


Identified in 1845 by von Raidinger, it was found being different from pyrite by René-Just Haüy in the early nineteenth century. Its name comes from either the Arabic or Moorish to signify that it has a metallic color yellow. This is an iron sulphide containing

hessonite garnet from Sri Lanka


Its name recalls the color of the gooseberry. Hessonite variety: it is the most renowned, also known as cinnamon stone or garnet hyacinth, name not to be used, it is a variety of grossular of dark orange color. Tsavorite: variety of grossular going from green

cabochon of dumortierite from Africa


Its name honors Eugene Dumortier, a paleontologist from Lyon (France )(1802-1873). It occurs most commonly as quartz inclusions, it is then called “blue aventurine”.

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