
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


pear cabochon of blue pietersite from China


Discovered in 1962 by Pieters in Namibia, this breach consists of an hawk eye and a tiger’s eye (crocidolite). Subsequently, it was discovered in China a rock quite close in appearance to Pietersite, which would be a amphibole rich in torendrikite instead of crocidolite. This

phenacite from Burma cushion cut


Described by Nordenskiold in 1833, its name coming from the Greek recalls its deceptive nature, close to the quartz with which it is often confused. Relatively rare, it is usually associated with beryl and topaz,

ouvarovite round cut


It is a green garnet. Named in honor of a Russian count and statesman, Sergey Uvarov Semeonovich (1786-1855). It is rarely found in gem quality. Its green color is due to chromium.

marcassite in quartz cut in cabochon


Identified in 1845 by von Raidinger, it was found being different from pyrite by René-Just Haüy in the early nineteenth century. Its name comes from either the Arabic or Moorish to signify that it has a metallic color yellow. This is an iron sulphide containing

carved lapis lazuli from Afghanistan

lapis lazuli

This is a rock of variable composition containing from 35 to 40% of lazurite (which gives it the beautiful blue color), sodalite, some nosean, some hauynite. Its name comes from the Arabic for “blue”. Azure blue color, greenish blue, dark purple, caused by sulfur, and

emerald cut hiddenite from Brazil


This is a green variety, colored by chromium, of spodumene which is part of the pyroxene group, although green spodumene without chromium are also called Hiddenite. Its name honors W. E. Hidden, who discovered it in 1879 in the U.S. (Alexander County, North Carolina United

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