
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


epidote from Pakistan


Its name comes from the Greek “epidosis” for generous, that lives largely, referring to its crystalline form, which is a juxtaposition of numerous slender prisms. Its former name, pistachite, was referring to its color. There are several varieties: The variety clinozoisite, is a dimorph of

orange enstatite of Africa oval cut


Being difficult to melt, it was awarded the name of Greek word meaning “resistant” without really understanding why. The more it contains iron, more the color becomes dark and black. The more its iron content increases, more its density increases. The enstatite forms an isomorphous

emerald from Muzo in Colombia emerald cut


This is the green variety of beryl, the more valuable because of its unparalleled color, its name comes from the Greek “smaragdos” derived from an ancient Semitic word meaning “shining”. This is one of the gems most sought after, when the green the more sustained

dioptase from Zaire cut in cabochon


It has long been confused with emerald with whom shares the same color, but it was identified in 1801 as a specific species by René Just Haüy. Its name comes from the Greek, recalls that its cleavage planes are visible through the crystal, which was

“ De Beers Centenary “ diamond


This gem, the best known and most prestigious, is named after its hardness, “adamant” in Greek, which means unconquerable because there are no known naturally occurring minerals that are harder than it. Pure and white, it has an incomparable brilliance, and it sparkles in all

rock crystal from Perou

rock crystal

The name quartz comes from a slavic word meaning “hard”. Rock crystal comes from the Greek “krystallos” meaning ice, because the ancients believed that it was “eternal ice”. It is a mineral, often regarded as a rock as it is widespread in various aspects and

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