
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


emerald cut rhodocrosite from Colorado, United States


The gem variety, which is only marketed since 1950, yet named dialogite or “Inca Rose”, saw its name derived from the Greek “rhodon” for rose. In fact, the term dialogite was reserved to rhombohedral crystals. It is of a pinkish red to yellowish color, with

crocidolite hawk’s eye

compact quartz

This group includes compact quartz containing inclusions of another mineral which determines the appearance and color. Tiger’s Eye and Hawk Eye: The name comes from the fact that the polished cabochons show a light stripe evoking the split pupil of a tiger, the second name

oval cut pyrite from Madagascar


As warm sparks spring when striking it (and they ignite the tinder, it was used by the Roman legionaries), it is so named from the Greek “pyros” for fire. The Incas used it as mirrors. It is often confused with marcasite but this last one,

silver color pearl from Lombok in Indonesia


The “fine” pearls are mentioned in texts dating from 2300 BC. and the oldest necklace dates from the fifth century BC. They were the object of lust of Roman Emperors, Cleopatra, Chinese Emperors, the Maharajas in India. Pearls in Europe enjoyed a great vogue when

oval cut peridot from Burma


Formerly this mineral was called chrysolite, although the “chrysolitus” of Pliny was probably referred to topaz, a “yellow stone”, a “golden stone”. Also called ” stones of knights ” because it would be the crusaders who brought peridot from the east to europe where it

nodule of malachite from Zaire


Described by Pliny in 77 AD., its name recalls and its fault, poor hardness “malakos” which means soft in Greek, as well as its green color “malake”, which means purple green in Greek. The Egyptians, the Greeks the Romans used it since ancient times. It

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