
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


faceted hematite


It is also called blood or blood stone and his name probably comes from the fact that it turns blood red the cooling water when it is cut (from the Greek “haimatos” for blood). Note however a false-English friend: “bloodstone”, this English name is referred

hessonite garnet from Sri Lanka


Its name recalls the color of the gooseberry. Hessonite variety: it is the most renowned, also known as cinnamon stone or garnet hyacinth, name not to be used, it is a variety of grossular of dark orange color. Tsavorite: variety of grossular going from green

orbicular diorite from Corsica

orbicular diorite

Successively described and analyzed by many specialists since 1851, its a mixture of feldspar, hornblende, biotite (black mica) and quartz. It is considered an intrusive rock with a texture similar to “granite”, the term “granite” designating a hard stone used in civil engineering. The matrix

“ De Beers Centenary “ diamond


This gem, the best known and most prestigious, is named after its hardness, “adamant” in Greek, which means unconquerable because there are no known naturally occurring minerals that are harder than it. Pure and white, it has an incomparable brilliance, and it sparkles in all

rock crystal from Perou

rock crystal

The name quartz comes from a slavic word meaning “hard”. Rock crystal comes from the Greek “krystallos” meaning ice, because the ancients believed that it was “eternal ice”. It is a mineral, often regarded as a rock as it is widespread in various aspects and

yellow chrysoberyl from Sri Lanka oval cut


Known since antiquity as a “golden beryl”, its name derived from the Greek “khrusos” for gold. Two popular varieties are appreciated gems: the golden yellow variety and the red / green which is called alexandrite. Most chrysoberyls are golden – yellow to brown – green

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